In the Shadow of the Devil

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


In the spirit of Crescent City Sucks, here's my rant about town:
My Town is a town of small pleasures. It is a town for the long-suffering. Months and months of bad weather, and a little sunshine feels like heaven. Populated by assholes, so a little niceness goes a long way. Sort of a strip-mall of a town, which makes the surroundings seem that much more of a blessing. This is a town of low expectations. It is exactly this that makes My Town a town of permissiveness. It's OK to fail to follow through, it's OK to reneg on promises made, it's OK to fail to live up to your potential. All of these things are forgivable here, and few seem to understand why I can't cotton to it.

I want to refuse to accept these disappointments, I want to refuse to sacrifice my integrity, but what would it change? It seems foolish to rail against something so pervasive. It seems a waste of energy to get upset about it. In refusing to get upset, though, am I becoming part of the permissiveness problem? Am I allowing people to fail me? Today, My Town seems like a bastard town, and all of us are complicit.



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