In the Shadow of the Devil

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kill your Television

ABC is going to kill me. More specifically, this Lost business is going to be the death of me. I gather that, since I don't understand a fucking thing that happened on this show last night (except that they were speaking english, and seemed humanoid), this isn't Lost's First Rodeo. So I need to rent some previous seasons, stat; so I've got that.

And THEN (in singsong voice) there's the little problem that whatever happend last night on Lost apparently got everyone so worked up that they needed a drink afterwards. This wouldn't have been a problem, since I was busting arse and taking names on the pool table, except that going to sleep at 3 on a weekday kinda messes with my...let's say...buoyancy. I definitly feel un-buoyant today.

And there was this commercial for this Grey's Anatomy thing with this completely hotlips Doctor character. I suddenly need TV, or my fantasies are going to continue to suck.



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