In the Shadow of the Devil

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

FO: Capelet

In the interests of jump-starting the refashioning around here, I picked up a project that had been on the needles, languishing, since September. It’s the Anthropologie Capelet by Peony Knits. It was begun to wear over a vintage sundress to a friend’s wedding down in Malibu. As such, it’s knit from cotton yarn, which I abhor, but which I thought would be cooler. I’d tossed it into the WIP basket once I figured out I’d run out of yarn (gasp!), and wore a beaded shawl instead. With a little figuring, I adjusted the bottom edge of the capelet and had just enough yarn to get this far:

Anthropologie Capelet

A little shorter than I’d like, but at least it’s done.

Notes: This pattern is darling, and I’d really like to make one (a little snugger in the arms, a little longer) in wool, which I think would create fabric with the “memory” the capelet fronts require to look as cute as Peony’s. As for this one, it’ll get blocked and go in the closet, and I expect it’ll get occasional wear until I decide to cannibalize it (as soon as I can think of a pattern that requires cotton). I lost the ball band for the yarn, but I hate cotton, anyhow. The brooch which closes it is a piece of costume jewelery from my maternal grandmother’s collection; as girls, my mom would let us play with grandma’s costume jewelery, and I somehow managed to smuggle this brooch out of the house with me when I left home.

Also, Peony’s right: it looks better purl-side out, the texture makes it interesting:

Anthropologie Capelet


Tuesday, February 06, 2007


As my first project as an official refashionista, I attempted the Tae-kwon-do T-Shirt reconstruction (sorry - I can't seem to even open the old wardrobe refashion blog to link) with a green tee left behind by an errant fisherman. Mayhaps the shirt was much too large (2 sizes larger than the size I might wear), but the front edges sag unattractively, and there is an interesting cowl-like upper back portion. I can't even bear to try it on for a photo.


However, I am intrigued by the construction concept, and will try again with a smaller shirt tonight (and promise to take process pics - I was too excited last night to remember to do so!)


Steps, baby.

I've been in a fit of organization lately. First victim was the junk drawer, which might show up in a later post. Second are the kitchen cabinets. I'm most proud of the baking cabinet, which went from crammed-to-the-gills to this:
Check that, baby - that's extra space up there! Love it.

You can also see, just to the side, the texture-and-painting that's been in progress for oh...about...a year. Reason was, I wanted an orange kitchen, just not the ORANGE that it ended up being when applied. After spending a great deal of time moping about this, I tried lightening up the paint with a little eggshell, and arrived at this:
That's the too-bright mandarin orange on the left, and the just-right on the upper right. My fishing sensei has dubbed the perfect color to be "salmon roe." I'm happy with that.
(also to note: nuns-of-the-month calendar: nuns on a rollercoaster, nuns playing golf, nuns on waterski, and this month, nuns who ROCK)


Monday Sky

Third Turnout, Pebble Beach Drive, 5:40pm

Friday, February 02, 2007

Procrastinators Anonymous Meeting has been postponed indefinitely.

fight apathy